
Energy solutions for the fishing sector

Fishing: a demanding sector. Propulsion solutions and an industrial range of gensets for fishing boats.

Fishing is a demanding activity, in which fishermen work under difficult conditions: economic, because every sea outing is a major challenge that has direct consequences on revenues. regulatory, because fishing is a regulated seasonal activity. climatic, because sea outings often take place in heavy seas or foul weather.

The different types of fishing boats (trawlers, netters or shellfish dredgers) need a robust and reliable energy supply for inshore, offshore and industrial fishing. On the one hand, engines suited to the conditions at sea in order to meet all the needs for propulsion. And on the other, marine gensets for the onboard electricity supply that is essential for navigation and lighting. These energy solutions must facilitate navigation and prevent any failures that could endanger the activity, with serious financial consequences.

Thanks to our renowned experience and our range of marine engines and gensets, we can offer complete solutions that are well adapted to your projects. Our sales representatives, technicians and certified marine agents are on hand all over the country to address your needs for marine engines and gensets. They can support you, from the choice of the right engine to integration, start-up and maintenance.

We can help you to maintain and prepare your fishing boats to guarantee optimal use of the marine engines and gensets when the fishing season starts. We can respond quickly and efficiently in the event of a breakdown, thanks to our network of local marine agents and technicians specialised in marine engines.

Our products for the fishing sector:

Marine engines for fishing boats

We supply a broad range of marine engines that meet all your propulsion requirements and improve the performance of your fishing boat.

We work with numerous shipyards to define solutions that meet your technical demands. We can support you, from the choice of the right marine engine, to its integration, start-up and maintenance.

Marine gensets for fishing boats

Our wide range of high-performance marine diesel gensets deliver a reliable electricity supply and maximum availability.

Our marine gensets for fishing boats meet all your needs for electricity onboard to power your equipment or to deliver the electricity supply for your fishing boat. We can provide the right solution for all your projects, thanks to our engineering know-how and our application engineers.

Our marine diesel gensets come with reliable engines and equipment as standard. Many options are also available, such as the soundproofing casing, which reduces noise onboard, or cooling options.

We can support you and ensure that all the rules imposed by the manufacturer are obeyed, from the engineering phase, to the integration of your marine genset onboard your boat.

Find out more about our solutions based on renewable energies


We can offer biodiesel-fuelled gensets that can effectively help you to reduce your environmental impact.

Hydrogen genset
for fishing boats

The hydrogen genset solution: zero emissions guaranteed. The REXH2® only discharges water.

Hydrogen-powered fuel cells produce the electricity you need to power the boat’s electric motor and to meet your needs for electricity onboard.

How can you maintain the engines and gensets onboard your fishing boat?
Electrical Services and Maintenance for fishing

Maintenance of multiple makes of marine engines and gensets

Installations of our energy solutions for the fishing sector